Rob Healy - Partner

Rob Healy

Rob began as a financial advisor twenty-two years ago, following a bachelor’s degree from Acadia University in Recreation Management. He joined the family business at Healy Financial Planning, where his primary focus is to help clients manage and grow wealth while mitigating risk. Rob has an extensive knowledge of life, disability, critical illness insurance and group plans. His goal is to eliminate the confusion and help clients make informed financial decisions. Rob’s attention to detail, good listening skills and great empathy are symbols of appreciation by his clients.

When he’s not spending time helping his clients protect and grow their wealth, Rob enjoys life with his wife and son. At first snowfall, the family can be found on the side of a ski hill. Rob’s passion for skiing is evident in his volunteer position at his local ski club. In warmer months, Rob loves casting a line in any river, cultivating his next big fishing story.